j'ai installé un Athlon XP 2800+ sur une A7N8X E deluxe, mais au boot je lis: processeur XP1250....
J'ai entendu parler d'un jumper à placer sur la CM pour résoudre ce prob, qqun peut-il m'en dire plus?
Barton 2800+ reconnu comme XP 1250 ?
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- Enregistré le : 02 juin 2005, 23:00:00
- Localisation : Le Puy en Velay / Lyon
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<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1><b>Citation :</b></font></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=10 BORDERCOLOR=#FF0000 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR BGCOLOR=#F3F2F4><TD><FONT SIZE=-1>"Speed" of 2025 at FSB 166 and "Speed" 1250 at FSB 100 means that your processor multiplicator is set to 12.5. Barton works at 2*166 FSB = 333, which means that the FSB in your BIOS should be set to 166 for stability. If you raise FSB (I see that you have overclocking motherboard, memories) you have 50/50% chances to have stability.
Maybe the naming convention of AMD's confuses you, Barton 2800+ works at 2,083 Ghz. If you want stability, leave your system where it is set by AMD, at 2,083. If you set FSB higher, temperature increases, and only Peltier cooling can save your system from a disaster.
Leave it at FSB 166 in BIOS, multiplied with 12.5, which means safe Barton at 2800+, and 58 degrees full load.
Donc en gros je dirais que tu dois mettre le jumper sur 333 (166*2) et le multiplicateur sur 12.5.
Ensuite si tu as un bon ventirad tu peux overclocker en augmentant ces valeur par paliers en verifiant la temperature du proc.
<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1><b>Citation :</b></font></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=10 BORDERCOLOR=#FF0000 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR BGCOLOR=#F3F2F4><TD><FONT SIZE=-1>"Speed" of 2025 at FSB 166 and "Speed" 1250 at FSB 100 means that your processor multiplicator is set to 12.5. Barton works at 2*166 FSB = 333, which means that the FSB in your BIOS should be set to 166 for stability. If you raise FSB (I see that you have overclocking motherboard, memories) you have 50/50% chances to have stability.
Maybe the naming convention of AMD's confuses you, Barton 2800+ works at 2,083 Ghz. If you want stability, leave your system where it is set by AMD, at 2,083. If you set FSB higher, temperature increases, and only Peltier cooling can save your system from a disaster.
Leave it at FSB 166 in BIOS, multiplied with 12.5, which means safe Barton at 2800+, and 58 degrees full load.
Donc en gros je dirais que tu dois mettre le jumper sur 333 (166*2) et le multiplicateur sur 12.5.
Ensuite si tu as un bon ventirad tu peux overclocker en augmentant ces valeur par paliers en verifiant la temperature du proc.
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